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Tips on How to Best Demo UbiSim
Tips on How to Best Demo UbiSim

Please review the following on how to get the best out of your UbiSim demo.

Updated over 9 months ago

For testing the Editor, we recommend focusing on the following:

  • The Supply Cart and Environment tabs will show the capabilities and limitations of the types of equipment and supplies available inside the scenarios

  • The Physio State section of the Scenario tab will show the capabilities and limitations of the patient's physical state and the types of physical assessments that can be performed inside the VR scenarios

  • Review various UbiSim scenarios to see how they are set up, the types of Documents that can be included in the EHR, and how the various states and transitions can be structured

  • Practice customizing one of the UbiSim scenarios to see how intuitive and easy it is to make changes

For testing user experience, we recommend the following:

  • You will be provided access to the UbiSim Help Center, our online user support documentation, and videos during the trial process. I recommend that you review these articles to learn more about the platform from setup, use, and administrative capabilities

  • Next, you should participate in the 3 tutorial scenarios first, before trying any of the clinical scenarios. This will guide you through the process of learning how to navigate and interact with the virtual clinical environment, including picking up objects, assessing the patient, exploring the EHR, and teleporting around the room. It is recommended that you start with the "Tutorial - Hospital Room Orientation" since that begins with the very basics

  • After completing the tutorials, you should try our pre-made UbiSim scenarios that use patients/care environments that you would want to use with your target learners. For example, if you want to use UbiSim with OB students, you should trial our OB scenarios. If you are looking to use it with pediatrics and med/surg students, you should trial the scenarios focused on those subjects

You may play the tutorials if you wish to experience UbiSim alone. These work well for orientation. That being said, you should know that a standard UbiSim scenario will include a communication piece that will require a peer or facilitator to trigger the patient dialogues. So if you decide to run any other scenarios alone, you will have a noncommunicating patient, provider, or family member in the simulation.

Videos that can provide you with more exposure:

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