1. Scenario loading issues, crashing, etc.
If you notice that your scenario takes too long to load, crashes frequently, freezes, behaves erratically or any other type of glitching, you may want to check the following:
a) Check that your Meta headset is updated and that you are on a stable Wi-Fi connection.
b) Restart your headset. If this does not work, try uninstalling/reinstalling the UbiSim app on your VR headset. If you are using a Rift S or other older device, please check that your headset is properly connected to the computer and that the cable is not loose. If it is already plugged in, you can also try restarting your computer.
c) Confirm that you are running the latest version of UbiSim
An admin (or yourself, if you have an admin account) can check what version of UbiSim the institution is running. This can be done by logging into the UbiSim Portal >> clicking the 'Admin Settings' tab on the left-hand side >> clicking the 'Update' tab >> and checking to see if there is an 'Update Now' button available:
If so, click the 'Update Now' button. Once the update has finished running, log back into the UbiSim app in VR and try launching the scenario again to see if it runs properly. If this does not work, or if your institution is already running the latest version of UbiSim, you may move onto the next suggestion.
d) Check that microphone permissions are enabled for UbiSim
If microphone permissions are disabled for UbiSim, this will cause the app to glitch. To ensure that they are enabled, put on your VR headset, and follow these steps:
Go to your App Library
Go to Settings
Go to 'Apps'
Select 'Permissions' on the top left
Select 'Microphone'
Make sure the permission is toggled On for UbiSim Applab
2. Multiplayer sessions are not working
If you're encountering similar issues to the one mentioned above but they are limited to multiplayer sessions (i.e. single player sessions work fine), it might be that your IT admin needs to whitelist the necessary ports to allow multiplayer functionality.
3. Students can't hear their own voice when reviewing web replay
Please note: this only applies if accessing UbiSim via a Link Cable.
To guarantee that VR stations record the voice properly, please ensure that the correct microphone is selected before entering a session. When the proper microphone is selected, the "Input level" bar should move while noise is detected around the headset:
4. I'm not in the right direction or height when I start the session
There are two suggestions you can try if you're experiencing this issue:
a) While standing or sitting, look in the direction that you wish to be facing (even if everything appears to be in the wrong place for now. Then, hold the Oculus button on your right-hand controller, which looks like this:
This should recalibrate the scenario such that you are now in the height proportional to where you're sitting/standing and the environment will sync accordingly. If this does not solve the issue, move onto the next suggestion.
b) You may need to recalibrate your Guardian in your headset settings. To do so:
Go to your App Library
Go to 'Settings'
Select 'Guardian' in the left-hand menu
Select 'Guardian set up'
Follow the on-screen instructions to reset your Guardian
For more information on how to reset your guardian, please visit Meta's official page.
5. The facilitator screen is loading indefinitely
If you are trying to facilitate a session, and you notice that the page is stuck loading please make sure that at least one player has joined the session in VR. Once a player has joined, the facilitator view will come into view and will look like this:
If your issue was not resolved by following any of these suggestions or for all other issues not discussed in this article, please reach out to our Support team at support@ubisimvr.com.