A session refers to a scenario that is currently being run or one that was run previously. This article will show you how to start a live session with a facilitator and active participants.
There are two main ways to start a session: in the web portal or directly in VR on the headset. Either way is fine, it is just up to personal preference.
From the Web Portal:
The Facilitator can start a Session from the Web Portal, and active participants can join the Session on their headset:
Log into UbiSim at https://my.ubisimvr.com/login.
Click on the ‘Scenarios’ tab, then select a Scenario:
3. Click 'Start VR Session,' then click 'Start & Facilitate in Browser':
4. Choose whether to toggle on ‘Enable 2-3 Multiplayer,’ (and any additional options), then click ‘Continue’:
The facilitator will then come across a loading screen. This screen will remain loading indefinitely until at least one player joins the session from their headset!
The next steps are for the players that will be joining the Session from their headset:
Turn on the headset, and launch the UbiSim app.
Log into UbiSim.
Click on ‘Join an Online Session’:
4. Select the Session that has been started by the Facilitator and click ‘Join’:
5. Select your role if applicable, then click ‘Next’:
6. Click ‘Launch Scenario’:
The Facilitator’s screen on the Ubisim Portal will now look like this:
As a recap - the Facilitator started a Scenario on the web portal, and the player(s) joined the Session from the headset. After players have joined, the Facilitator now has the ability to facilitate the session.
Note: For best facilitation, the Facilitator should ensure that their computer specs meet the requirements listed in Section I of this guide.
Now, we are going to see these steps in reverse - the player starts the Scenario from the headset, and the Facilitator joins the Session from the web portal.
From the headset:
The player turns on the headset, and launches the UbiSim app.
Log into UbiSim.
Click ‘Start a Scenario’:
4. Select a Scenario:
5. Click ‘Start This Scenario’:
6. Choose desired settings, then click ‘Next’:
Note: Make sure that ‘Web Streaming (Recommended)’ is toggled On as this will allow the Facilitator to facilitate the Session.
7. Click ‘Launch Scenario’:
Next, the Facilitator will need to facilitate the Session created by the player. Below are the steps:
The facilitator logs into the UbiSim site at https://my.ubisimvr.com/login.
Click on ‘Live Sessions’ >> select the current session >> click the 'Facilitate' button:
Read through the Briefing, and click ‘Continue’:
The Facilitator will now be able to facilitate the session.
Starting a Session within a Class
The previous steps explained how to start a session from the scenario catalog. But, if you have any classes, you can start a session directly from the class instead. Sessions started within a class will record analytics for the group of enrolled learners. To learn more about classes, please go to Classes 101.
From the Web Portal:
3. Follow the same steps previously mentioned in this article (i.e. click 'Start VR Session', and then 'Start & Facilitate in Browser'). Your active participants can log into the UbiSim app on the headset and then select 'Join an Online Session' to join the session.
From the headset:
Your active participant(s) will log into the UbiSim app on the headset.
Then, they will select Classes:
3. Next, they will select their class, then press 'View Scenarios':
4. Lastly, they can follow the same steps as previously mentioned in this article to launch the scenario. Also as before, the facilitator can also log into the web portal, click on 'Live Sessions', and then click the 'Facilitate' button to launch the facilitator screen.
What's Next?
Now, let's take a more in depth look at the facilitator's role. Read How to Facilitate a Session to get started!
Questions? Reach out to support@ubisimvr.com for clarification on anything in this article.