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Basic UbiSim Setup: Getting Started
Updated over 2 months ago

Simulation Roles

Active Participant(s)

  • Cares for the VR patient in the role of the nurse; Can speak with patients and team members, pick up and use instruments, feel the pulse, and more

  • Up to 3 active learners can collaborate together in the same simulation in Multiplayer mode


  • Triggers the dialog of the patient, other characters, and provider while the active participant cares for the patient in the role of the nurse

  • Scenario unfolds based on learners’ actions and decisions, providing a consistent and standardized experience


  • Peers can learn by actively observing the simulation on their computers or joining the simulation as a non-active “ghost” in virtual reality

  • To maintain fidelity and realism, ghost learners are invisible to the learners actively participating in the simulation

Ways of Using UbiSim

Faculty Led

A facilitator triggers the dialog of the patient, other characters, and provider while the active participant cares for the patient in the role of the nurse. The facilitator screen or learner’s headset view can be projected onto a larger screen so observers can see events as they unfold.


Learners take turns participating in the simulation in small groups, alternating roles between the active participant who cares for the VR patient, the person triggering the dialog, and the active observer taking notes. Students debrief between runs of the scenario and provide each other feedback.

UbiSim Ecosystem

UbiSim VR Hub

Available through VR headsets

  • Immersive, realistic, and safe place for learners to develop clinical judgment, decision making and communication skills

  • Runs on commercially available Meta Quest 2, Pro, 3 and 3S wireless VR headsets

Web Portal

Available on

  • Customize scenarios with UbiSim’s intuitive Editor

  • Debrief with personalized feedback, audio/visual playback, and an NCLEX-inspired quiz

  • Access student feedback reports and high-level data

Facilitator View

Available on

  • Standardization safeguard offering a 2D view of the simulation

  • Simulation facilitator triggers dialogue during a scenario through the Facilitator View

  • Peer observers can oversee the session on the computer screen via the web browser

Start VR Session

As Participant in VR

With the VR headset on and using the controllers, select either “START A SCENARIO” or “CLASSES” from the UbiSim VR Hub Home screen.

As Facilitator on the Web

In the Web Portal, navigate to the scenario you wish to launch via “SCENARIOS” or “CLASSES”. Then, click “START VR SESSION” and launch the session with the “START SESSION & FACILITATE” button. Don’t forget to have someone join in VR!

Join Existing Session

As Participant or Ghost in VR

With the VR headset on and using the controllers, select “JOIN AN ONLINE SESSION” from the UbiSim VR Hub Home screen.

As Facilitator or Observer on the Web

In the Web Portal, navigate to “LIVE SESSIONS” from the left menu, then click “FACILITATE” or “OBSERVE” to join.

What's Next?

Now that you know about the different simulation roles and UbiSim ecosystem, head onto How to Setup your VR Simulation Lab to learn how to set up your play space for a safe and comfortable experience!

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